Tackling STIs and Syphilis Prevention with DoxyPEP
The Bureau of Primary Health Care (BPHC) and the National Syphilis and Congenital Syphilis Syndemic (NSCSS) Federal Task Force have been conducting listening sessions nationwide with the priority jurisdictions to discuss current challenges and approach to syphilis response.
In collaboration with Fenway Health, a webinar for clinicians and other health care providers is being held on Tuesday, April 16 to discuss the surge in syphilis rates through innovative approaches, particularly highlighting the role of DoxyPEP (Doxycycline Post-Exposure Prophylaxis) as an emerging tool in the arsenal against STIs (sexually transmitted infections). Participants will
explore the scientific underpinnings, practical application considerations, and the potential public health impact of integrating DoxyPEP into syphilis prevention strategies.
Tuesday, April 16 | 1:00 pm CT/11:00 am MT
HIV/STI/TB/Viral Hepatitis Lunch and Learn Join us in April for a presentation on STI's presented by Hillary K. Liss.
Wednesday, April 24 | 12:00 pm CT/11:00 am MT